Grooming Habits of a Boss

To reach an elite level in any endeavour it's imperative that you develop good habits. Although some rituals may seem inconsequential, over a life time they can have a massive impact on your quality of...

Guest Post: 4 Streetwear Must Haves for Spring 2017

It had to happen sooner or later. We get many requests for cross posting on our blog but frankly, we weren't sure what content you guys would like to see, so we hadn't progressed with it....

What is a Beardrometer™??

Let’s face it, men LOVE to be pampered. Whether they like to admit it or not, they do. For the average Joe, going to the barber is an exciting experience and is the male version...

Good Things Come in Small Packages

Are you tired of people always going on about “bigger is better”? Do you hate how small things seem to be always over looked or looked down upon? Do you hate commitment? Do you hate...

How to Deal with Beard Pimples

Picture it. You’re looking in the mirror, admiring how epic your beard looks. You turn your head side to side, up and down and... wait hang on, there’s a big red pimple right on your...

Beard Trends Going Into 2018 - Which Style Suits You?

Within the course of any given week, we're lucky enough to talk shop with a number of barbers, customers, social media personalities or the folks at one of our largest retail distributors Shaver Shop. Facial hair trends...

Why is it Easier to Style Unwashed Hair? Or is it?

Attending an all boys private school for the duration of my schooling was interesting, to say the least. I was a bit of a dick to my teachers, enjoyed playing sport and made some friends...

Five Style Tips to Make you More Confident

Like it or not, looks matter.  For example, there is evidence to suggest that your sexual attractiveness can impact on your job prospects, success with relationships & your first impressions when meeting someone for the first time.

The Making of "The Vikings Beard Vax" for Vikings TV

Over the last 4 months we have spent countless hours conceptualising, planning and diligently making over 100 limited release Vikings inspired beard balms for the release of "Vikings" Season 4 part 2 on Blu-ray and DVD. It...