How To Stop Being Late For Work

If you’re regularly running late to those important meetings or events, it might be time to learn how to stop being late for work. Luckily, the process isn’t too difficult - with a few simple hacks, anyone can kick their morning routine up a notch to get out the door faster.
Are you eager to learn how to stop being late for work? Below, we’ve listed a few morning hacks that you can use to streamline your morning routine and get to work quicker. Take a look!
The Night Before
Learning how to stop being late for work is all about being prepared. Rather than getting everything done in the morning, do a few simple jobs the night before to make the next day even easier.
Plan Your Outfit
Taking the time to choose your outfit in the morning can chew-up a lot of time. Instead, it’s best to organise this the night before work.
Planning your outfit will remove a lot of the stress of getting out the door on time. You won’t have to endure any frantic searching or emergency ironing. Plus, you’ll have more time to focus on tasks that need to be done in the morning - like eating breakfast or having a shower.
Pack A Lunch
Unless you’re buying lunch at work, another great way to speed up your morning routine is to pack a lunch at night.
Pop it in the fridge and grab it on the way out the door. It’s one less thing you’ll have to worry about in the morning, and you won’t have to suffer through eating a lunch that was made in a rush.
Avoid Late Nights
Especially if you’ve got an early rise tomorrow, late nights are one thing you should actively avoid.
Getting out of bed and moving through your morning routine will be much easier with a full 8 hours of sleep under your belt. So, before you hit the hay, be sure to set yourself a bed-time and stick to it. Those late-night T.V. binges just aren’t worth it.
Set An Alarm
Before you call it a day, remember to turn-on your alarm for the next morning. Calculate how long you’ll think it’ll take to get ready. Then, set your alarm accordingly.
If you’re unsure, set your alarm for 90-minutes before you have to go - this will leave you with plenty of time to get ready while planning for the unexpected.
In The Morning
With your outfit, lunch, and alarm all sorted, you’re now free to focus on those essential tasks of your morning - like having a shower, running through your grooming routine, and getting out the door on time.
Stick To The Alarm
Setting an alarm is one thing, but sticking to it is a whole other challenge that you’ll need to conquer.
Don’t keep smashing that snooze button or lounge on your phone when you need to get ready. Once the alarm goes off - have a stretch, get up, and start your day.
We know that it’s a challenge, but it’ll give you more time to cruise through your morning routine at your own pace.
Streamline Your Shower Routine
If you’re one of those people with a busy morning routine, you’ll want to speed-up those mundane chores - such as your shower routine.
The best and most funkiest way to do this is to create a playlist to last for the duration of your shower. Around 5 to 10 minutes is just about perfect.
You should also consider investing in multi-purpose products to speed up your wash. For example, you can’t go wrong with this Whisky & Dry 3 in 1 Body Wash. In one convenient hit, you can wash/ condition your hair and cleanse your skin. This will help to get you out of the shower faster.
Shorten Your Shaving Routine
Our shaving routines can often be one of the most time-consuming aspects of the morning, though there are plenty of ways you can speed up the process. For example, you could make the switch to a clear shaving gel - they don’t need a brush to apply and it washes off the blade quickly.
On top of this, you could also grab an aftershave that acts as a moisturiser. By investing in these multi-purpose products, you’ll cut a whole lot of time off your shaving routine.
Get started by trying this Aftershave Serum by Milkman. Not only does it help to heal your skin post-shave, but it also works as a moisturiser, toner, and fragrance. All you need is a splash or two and you’re ready to go.
Avoid Distractions
Though you may not be aware of it, your morning routine is riddled with distractions that slow you down and make you late. Whether it’s your phone, laptop, or anything in between - it’s best to avoid these distractions altogether.
As they say - out of sight, out of mind. Keep these devices in a drawer, where you won’t be tempted to use them. Then, once you’re ready to go, you can grab them on your way out the door.
Keep Your Essentials Together
Is there anything more stressful than a last-minute search for your keys? Well, probably, but it’s still a massive headache!
You could nail your morning routine and still be late for work if you’ve misplaced your wallet or keys. Luckily to avoid this frantic game of hide-and-seek, all you need to do is keep these essentials together.
Consider investing in a catch-all tray to hold everything you’ll need when you walk out the door - and pop it on your entry-way table.
One Final Alarm
Setting one last alarm a few minutes before you need to get out the door is a great way to refocus your mind.
It’s easy to get pushed back with unexpected tasks or distractions. Having that final alarm is a great push to get you out the door on-time.
- Tags: lifestyle